Copyright information for The World Turned Upside Down
Stories are listed in order of -publication date:
C.L. Moore, "Shambleau" was first published in Weird Tales in November, 1933. Reprinted by permission of Don Congdon Associates. Copyright © 1933 by Popular Fiction Company, renewed 1961 by C.L. Moore.
John W. Campbell, Jr. (writing as Don A. Stuart), "Who Goes There?" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in August, 1938.
A.E. Van Vogt, "Black Destroyer" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in July, 1939.
Lee Gregor, "Heavy Planet" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in August, 1939.
P. Schuyler Miller, "Spawn" was first published in Weird Tales in August, 1939.
Ross Rocklynne, "Quietus" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in September, 1940.
Chester S. Geier, "Environment" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in May, 1944.
Arthur C. Clarke, "Rescue Party" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in May, 1946. Reprinted by permission of the author and the author's agents, Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency, Inc.
Theodore Sturgeon, "Thunder and Roses" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in November, 1947.
C.M. Kornbluth, "The Only Thing We Learn" was first published in Startling Stories in July, 1949. Copyright © 1949 by C.M. Kornbluth. Reprinted by permission of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Wyman Guin (writing as Norman Menasco), "Trigger Tide" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in October, 1950.
Jack Vance, "Liane the Wayfarer" first appeared as part of Jack Vance, The Dying Earth, published by Hillman in 1950.
Fritz Leiber, "A Pail of Air" was first published in Galaxy in December, 1951.
Michael Shaara, "All the Way Back" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in July, 1952.
Poul Anderson, "Turning Point" was first published in If in May, 1953.
Robert Ernest Gilbert, "Thy Rocks and Rills" was first published in If in September, 1953.
Tom Godwin, "The Cold Equations" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in August, 1954.
Fredric Brown, "Answer" first appeared in Fredric Brown's anthology Angels and Spaceships, published by E.P. Dutton in 1954.
Robert Sheckley, "Hunting Problem" was first published in Galaxy in September, 1955.
L. Sprague de Camp, "A Gun For Dinosaur" was first published in Galaxy in March, 1956.
Isaac Asimov, "The Last Question," copyright © 1956 by Columbia Publications Inc., from Isaac Asimov: The Complete Stories of Vol I by Isaac Asimov. Used by permission of Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc.
H. Beam Piper, "Omnilingual" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in February, 1957.
Robert A. Heinlein, "The Menace From Earth" was first published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in August, 1957.
Gordon R. Dickson, "St. Dragon and the George" was first published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in September, 1957.
Christopher Anvil, "The Gentle Earth" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in November, 1957.
Murray Leinster, "The Aliens" was first published in Astounding Science Fiction in August, 1959.
Rick Raphael, "Code Three" was first published in Analog in February, 1963.
James H. Schmitz, "Goblin Night" was first published in Analog in April, 1965.
Keith Laumer, "The Last Command" was first published in Analog in January, 1967.